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Not yet a member? Subscribe today...
Select the version of the scheme you want by clicking on the relevant subscribe button and filling in the one off payment form. Once registered, simply click on the member login link above and enter in your log in details. This will enable access to all the units and resources you have purchased.
Note: staff using the scheme will use the email address that you register here to log in with, therefore, you might want to use your school email address.
Note: staff using the scheme will use the email address that you register here to log in with, therefore, you might want to use your school email address.
This is a one off payment. There will be no rolling subscription fees or charges!
New feature added: Once you have subscribed, a username and password that your pupils can use to log in with will also be provided!
* If paying with Paypal, please note that once payment is complete, PayPal marks the subscription as cancelled (i.e. because it is completed, there will be no more payments). Consequently, after payment has been made you will see a message to say that your subscription will be cancelled after 1 day. Don't worry about this, even though your subscription is in essence 'cancelled', your membership details for the version of the scheme you have purchased will remain forever valid.
Sample Units...
Not ready to subscribe just yet?
Why not first try out one of the units below first...
Why not first try out one of the units below first...
Choose your subscription...
Project Live Primary (KS1 and KS2)
The most popular subscription with schools with full access to all Key Stage One and Key Stage Two units and resources.
Price: £425
Project Live Key Stage Two
Giving you full access to all the Key Stage Two units and resources (Years 3 - 6).
Price: £285
Project Live Key Stage One
Giving you full access to all the Key Stage One units and resources (Years 1 and 2).
Price: £175
Project Live EYFS
Access to all EYFS Units and Resources (Nursery and Reception classes).
Price: £95
Project Live Full (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)
Access to all EYFS, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Units and Resources.
Price: £495
Project Live EYFS + KS1
Access to all EYFS and Key Stage One Units and Resources.
Price: £245
Project Live First School (Nursery - Year 4)
Access to all EYFS, Key Stage One and Lower Key Stage Two Units and Resources.
Price: £375
Individual Year Group Subscriptions
Price: £70
Year One
Access to all Year One Units and Resources
Year Two
Access to all Year Two Units and Resources
Year Three
Access to all Year Three Units and Resources
Year Four
Access to all Year Four Units and Resources
Year Five
Access to all Year Five Units and Resources
Year Six
Access to all Year Six Units and Resources
Payment via invoice
If you would rather pay by cheque, fill in the order form below and an invoice will be emailed to you. Once your payment has been processed, you will then be emailed your membership username and password for the membership you have subscribed to.